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iTwin Ideas Portal

iModel management

Showing 3

User access control for iModels

It would be useful if there was a way to control which model do people have access to. There could be a lot of iModels for a project and most users don't need to see all of them and it would make it hard to find the model they need. It could be d...
Guest about 5 years ago in iModel management 0 Planned

Display details about iModel maximum extent

In iModel properties, maximum extent is displayed graphically, but no detail is provided. I am missing information about current values as well as coordinate system, that is used to defined the extent (and that defines a context of min/max values).
Guest over 4 years ago in iModel management 0 Planned

Ability to edit iModel extents manually

In iModel properties, Maximum extents is displayed, but there is no option to enter values manually. BTW Another idea added to display values and details of GCS used to define the maximum extent.
Guest over 4 years ago in iModel management 0 Planned