While viewing Openplant Models in iTwin platform, the user has to cycle through data property scopes to get to EC to the relevant EC data. While using Bentley Navigator or Bentley View, Openplant EC Data is the defauit option
2D views are unusable. -No measurements -No coordinate readout -No annotations -Unable to reset rotation. -No option to rotate by 2 points -No 2D WMS background services -CRS support -Doesn't switch to 2D views automatically if no 3D view exist "T...
I would like to be able to hide tools and get clean images out of iModel. Often measurements and axes of civil tools are hidden by the tools around the perimeter of the screen. A toggle to turn their visibility on or off would be great
iTwin Design Review, uploaded models via https://review.itwin.bentley.com/ do not have data viz. option
When using the iTwin Design Review, using the address https://review.itwin.bentley.com/ with my Bentley login credentials, there is no "data visualization" option available. I have uploaded a model using the "New Session" --> "Upload a file" op...