Problem Please bring back the color coded markers based on the status as it was before in Connect see image. As a user of the iModel Viewer, it would be helpful to have the Forms and to visually see the workflow status by colour coding the Form Ma...
Ability to move issue resolution flag after placed in iTwin design review. We currently have the ability to update the form details in the issues page itself, but the flag cannot be moved closer to the component after the issue has been created
Currently the Alignment Station format for Bentley Civil data seems to be locked to 00+000 format. We dont use that format in our region, therefore an option to select stationing format, eg. 0.000 as we use locally would aid in making the review d...
Open Civil Profile or Cross Section for pre-selected Alignment
It would be much easier if we could use the search function to find specific Civil Geometry in large models, select them and have the Civil Profile, Perpendicular Section and even the Station-Offset tool use this automatically instead of having to...
In the previous iTwin build we had a snap mode for ‘None’. This has been removed in the later versions of the iTwin build. I am getting a lot of inquiries from our users as to why this has been removed as the ‘no snap mode’ was very useful setting...
Engenium team wants to see the x, y, and z values in addition to the Rise and Run. They really like having pre-calculated Rise and Run, but having x, y , and z in the information tab as well would save them any further calculation.
When using Version compare and clicking on the Scales button, property changes are compared. Need a way to export this data (e.g. to .csv file). Export of multiple elements would be useful.