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Showing 603 of 603

PDF Export in Infrastructure Cloud

Please ad the option to export Issues to PDF inside Infrastructure cloud, as it is inside connect, Also add the option to Export to local drive. General BIC it's lacking functionality so please check the connect portal and compare this to BIC, ple...
Guest 7 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

Place Issue in Drawing/Sheet

Reviewers would be able to place an issue directly in one of the Drawing/Sheet models that are found under the 2D Views tab. Without this, pdfs must be provided to review these sheets and create issues in Share.
Guest over 2 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

Colour coded Issues

When we show issues we can chose to show closed issues, would it be useful to show these in a different colour perhaps.
Guest almost 5 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 1 Will not implement

Select multiple layers at once

Select multiple layers or models and turn of visibility at once instead of selecting file after file
Guest over 4 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0 Future consideration

Ability to upload multiple files at once in Adhoc Design Review

We always have many different models in different formats that we want to review at once to show how they are coordinated and interact with each other. Adding the ability to upload multiple formats at once into a single Adhoc Review Seesion would ...
Guest over 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0 Future consideration

Display Saved View name when view is applied

Enhancement to ease of use. Once a saved view has been applied and modified by a user it would help highlighting the name of that saved view. This could be done either through the view name displayed next to the iModel version (similar to MicroSta...
Guest about 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0 Planned

IFC Quantities support

Please add the option to read the quantities from an IFC file now all properties are not inside the iTwin model.
Guest over 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

Open Civil Profile or Cross Section for pre-selected Alignment

It would be much easier if we could use the search function to find specific Civil Geometry in large models, select them and have the Civil Profile, Perpendicular Section and even the Station-Offset tool use this automatically instead of having to...
Guest over 4 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0 Likely to implement

Import data in Plant sight in different project from same machine via batch simultaneously in ED connector

As many big projects are running simultaneously, we have set up one machine specifically for batch import at night for plantsight for E3D daily. However each projects takes at least 8 to 10 hours to import E3D data to plantsight , hence daily upda...
Guest 8 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 0

Data Visualization with Multiple Properties

It would be nice to be able to search and query items based on multiple properties. For example, bolts by diameter and length rather than just one or the other. We have a project with over 100k bolts and seeing all 1" diameter bolts isn't as usefu...
Guest almost 2 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0 Future consideration