I think a final compliance checker should be very useful. In the checker, the user could combine tests and control if each test has passed or not the compliance (using red flag and green flag) and when all the flag are green the Compliance is achi...
Often the first check is related to the Pset name fields and if they have been listed. The check could allow the user to verify if the name is correct and/or all the name required are listed in the Pset. A report with the wrong elements and/or the...
Hi, i would like to get the saved views from a NWD package from Navisworks to work "Bolt on". That would make it possible to use Navisworks both for internal collaboration with ITwin, and still have a package ready to deliver to contractor.
When we click on an iModel in connect project, we get a page where we see all the changesets for that iModel. This changeset page lists all the changes one page. That makes it difficult to scroll down and find the changeset we are looking for. Ins...
Remove a iTwin model that was erroneously added to the sync
When the model is no longer found the iTwin sync brings up many errors and warnings and would be beneficial to have the access to remove it from the list.