I would like to be able to hide tools and get clean images out of iModel. Often measurements and axes of civil tools are hidden by the tools around the perimeter of the screen. A toggle to turn their visibility on or off would be great
iTwin Design Review, uploaded models via https://review.itwin.bentley.com/ do not have data viz. option
When using the iTwin Design Review, using the address https://review.itwin.bentley.com/ with my Bentley login credentials, there is no "data visualization" option available. I have uploaded a model using the "New Session" --> "Upload a file" op...
The button/controls for running a manual synchronization of an existing connection with the iModelHub is buried. I would like to see either a button/menu option in the elipsis points menu of the iModel or a button for manual sync in the details pa...
Project to project and project to norm issue and comment comparison
We want to combine comments from all projects to build a performance database to identify where, when and why we have issues. We want to
compare issues between projects and we want to compare a single project to project norms/baselines. We want to...
It would be useful for migrating existing design review processes to the imodelhub if the saved views that have already been set up in the source i.dgns could be imported to the Design Review App.
It seems section tool cuts point cloud data. It will be good to have an option not to cut as sometime it needs to compare with point cloud from drone to check progress.