In the previous iTwin build we had a snap mode for ‘None’. This has been removed in the later versions of the iTwin build. I am getting a lot of inquiries from our users as to why this has been removed as the ‘no snap mode’ was very useful setting...
Engenium team wants to see the x, y, and z values in addition to the Rise and Run. They really like having pre-calculated Rise and Run, but having x, y , and z in the information tab as well would save them any further calculation.
Colour control of references within iTwin design review / Ad Hoc design review
It will be good if the option included to change the colour of references within the .idgn models. it will help us present in the better way while we carry out review tasks
Saved views in the original dgn do not appear the same way in iTwin Design Review. Some views were laid out to focus on a specific element with all other levels turned off, but all iTwin Design Review does is zoom in on the element. (example: A sa...
When using Version compare and clicking on the Scales button, property changes are compared. Need a way to export this data (e.g. to .csv file). Export of multiple elements would be useful.