When I detail (dimension) a x-section view it moves to the next station properly. When I close out of x-sections then log back in the next day I would like it to remember the dimension locations I used and apply again like a saved view.
Currently, when i try to link 3dm file to an imodel, it is not possible. Secondly, once possible it would be nice if user object attributes (key/value) are retained inside imodel.
Civil tools to work with surface/solid edges and other curves, not only with "alignment"
When viewing model i want to perpendicular create cross section / profile to any edge or curve not only alignment geometry. Civil tools now expect this input and does not recognize anything else (edges, curves ...)
Ability to delete a .dgn file within a named connection
If you create a named connection with multiple files you can not delete or refresh one of the files contained within, meaning you need to delete the whole connection and add each file individually. A time Consuming task
Once you have created an imodel and used a specific file to set the geolocation there should be the ability to change that file, rather than having to delete the connection or create a new imodel.
Define connector based on PW file property - application name
Federated Models often reference files created in different applications. When synchronising a master model from ProjectWise using the iTwin Synchroniser Portal, could the connector to use for each reference be determined from the PW 'File Propert...
Can we have an option to change background color on cross section view? It will be useful to change color like white, then user capture section view and paste on their reports.