When entering an iModel from a Named Version it is expected that all objects and models are viewable in the Design Review session. However if an object's Class is set to "Construction" then that object will not be viewable on open because all Presentation Styles have Construction Lines toggled off by default. This adds another location outside of Model and Categories where object visibility is controlled.
Set Construction Lines to be on by default. This will alleviate any confusion as why objects may be missing for users who may not know objects are set to Construction, who may forget about this setting, or don't know about it.
Perhaps a warning message when a view / iModel is opened if construction elements are off to say something like "Warning there are 457 construction elements which are currently not displayed" and a hyperlink to turn them on
Hi Andre,
I was entering the model from a Named Version with all models on, and did not expect that any objects or models to be turned off. And for this dataset a whole .dgn file of steel framing using OpenBuilding modeler was set as Construction and not just linework. If I was using a Saved View I would would of tried to make sure any settings affecting the visibility of objects were turned off; but admittedly at the time I was not familiar with the dataset nor I have used the settings under presentations much. Of course users should use proper design but mistakes will happen.
We also have have 5 locations that can be used to hide objects in the design review session not including Bing map or Reality data. All of them are toggled separately. A little forgetfulness could cause a lot of frustration.
Perhaps a better solution would be a seperate reset location that would reset all display options so nothing is off in any of the available settings.
Have you tried to set 'Construction' on, and then 'retake' the view to save it? It works for me.
Generally, construction lines are intended to be 'invisible' the majority of the time, so having them off by default does make sense. I'm not trying to sound crass when I say this, but is it an issue of training people on object priority?