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iTwin Ideas Portal
Status Likely to implement
Categories Design validation
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 31, 2022

Add RBAC flag for Create Rules on Design Validation.

There is no RBAC flag for Create rules on Design Validation service in connect portal. Users that shouldn't have privilege to create/modify/delete a rule currently can do it, which has a big impact on the Collaboration Hub project implementation.

HS2 requested a possibility to restrict Create rule functionality (as well as editing and deleting) and assessed it as P2 issue during UAT.

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Add RBAC flag for Project settings on Design Validation.

HS2 requested an option to be added on RBAC to protect the modification of Project Settings - currently there is no RBAC flag for Project settings on Design Validation, so any user can modify them.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Design review 0 Likely to implement