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Categories Design review
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 30, 2019

Combine iTwin Design Review and iModel Hub Design Review

There are two design review applications that I have seen by Bentley.  One through the iModel Hub and the other though an iModel using iTwin Design review.  These two applications should really be combined in to a single application.  They basically do the same thing.

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  • Taylor Gilmore
    May 7, 2020

    iTwin Design Review capabilities are being consolidated into a single product experience with 2 separate supported workflows: Ad Hoc Reviews and Digital Twin Reviews.

    The review tools like measurements and sectioning are now aligned between both.

    You can find more information regarding the workflows on our Communities site here:

  • Guest
    Nov 4, 2019

    Measurements: Show Dynamic Axis is a great functionality.
    However they dissapear when measurement is placed.
    In iModel Hub Interface dynamic Axis display is not present in the measure distance tool

  • Guest
    Nov 4, 2019

    We are missing Sectioning tools like in iModelHub Interface

    The profile and sectioning tools that are in place are not very useful for plant disciplines