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iTwin Ideas Portal
Categories iModel management
Created by Muthu Kalamani
Created on Nov 6, 2023

Request to process Brep as SolidModel

As of now Brep is processed as polyfaces , hence IfcShapeRepresentation is set as "SurfaceModel". But Brep is a solid model entity so it is correct for it to be processed as a SolidModel. Please process Brep and other solid model entities as SolidModel and thus set IfcShapeRepresentation to "SolidModel":After outputting to IFC, Fukui uses the output file in their Trendcore(a cad application similar to microstation) to do the certain functionalities. If Brep is processed as surface model then the below functionalities cannot be done:
Cut editing
Boolean operation (Separate red from blue)-->Refer to Attachment2
Volume calculation:

  • Attach files