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Categories Design review
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 28, 2025

Ability to rename element Property Labels in iModels


Sometimes there can be elements that have multiple element properties with the same label name but are showing the user different values. This can confuse and possibly create issues on-site if the wrong information is used.


In this case, the element (a door) has the default height of 2.11m but has been changed to 2.4m by the architect. This is quite common practice as you only want to have a generic door type (for example Unglazed Steel Door) in your data group system which can be altered parametrically to the required dimensions rather than having a massive list of types will all permutations. As you can see, the user has searched for the height of the door and is given two contradicting values for the Dimension | Height property:

Possible Solution:

Allow iTwin Owners/Admin to override the element property names in the iModel Viewer for the selected element types (Class)

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