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iTwin Ideas Portal

iTwin Hub

Showing 12

Things can improve Comparing feature in iTwin

1- show the data of deleted elements 2- choose files to compare not to run for all model 3- Chose criteria comparing before running the comparison 4- save comparisons so can back to it later not to run it every time 5- can save views and create is...
Guest almost 2 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 0

Measurements in issues

The measurements that i have in the view i create with the issue are added to the issue but are very difficult to change or delete. I would like to be able to update a measure in the view, or add a new one or even delete one that was there.
Guest over 1 year ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 1

Saving iModel Civil Tools "2-Point Cross Section" as a Saved View

So you don't have to keep carrying out a 2-Point Cross Section and hoping you have the exact same cross section as you had before. With a saved view, that exact 2 point cross section saved view would get automatically updated as the iModel gets up...
Guest 5 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 0

Synchronisation report

be able to download the sync report via the UI or using an API or have it emailed to the administrator
Guest 10 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 0

Import data in Plant sight in different project from same machine via batch simultaneously in ED connector

As many big projects are running simultaneously, we have set up one machine specifically for batch import at night for plantsight for E3D daily. However each projects takes at least 8 to 10 hours to import E3D data to plantsight , hence daily upda...
Guest 8 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 0

Data visualization - filtering non existing properties

Righ now data visualization allows to filter and visualize specified and not specified properties. All other elements that do not contain this property are gray out and unable to pick. Can these elements also be pickable and filtered with diffrent...
Guest 10 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 0

iModel and IfcClassification

IfcClassification is the right place to put this kind of data like Uniclass. The iModel federated model in projectwise HAVE to read e show this data.
Guest over 1 year ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 0

Display connexon by owner

When navigate to we do not seems to have a quick easy way to find iModel by owner or connexon's owner. We can only select project then iModel We have a user that need to renew a token and we have very few indication abou...
Guest 11 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 0

WMS Server rename or delete connection

Please add the option to rename or delete a WMS server connection.
Guest about 4 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 0 Planned

Changing multiple items in Itwin at once vs one at a time

The iTwin platform only allows the selection of items, 1 at a time to change something. I have a job that has 30 plus connectors and i need to change the owner. I have to select each one and the find, the change to that person. This is very time c...
Guest over 1 year ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 0