Use the measure tool to calculate volumes, areas or lengths of item or combination of items selected by the selection tool.
At present, the measure tool only provides the measurement of distance and locations would be a huge benefit if we could use this tool to calculate volumes of a multi-selection of objects. Example: extract the full volume of a selected bridge; ext...
over 5 years ago
in Design review
Future consideration
We are seeing that is is much harder to see Transparent items in iTwin Design Review. While this is good in some circumstances, it would be much easier to review a model if we had the option to toggle view transparency ON/OFF. This would be a grea...
over 4 years ago
in Design review
Future consideration
Engenium team wants to see the x, y, and z values in addition to the Rise and Run. They really like having pre-calculated Rise and Run, but having x, y , and z in the information tab as well would save them any further calculation.
over 4 years ago
in Design review
Likely to implement
Similar to Structural iTwin Analytical Synchronizer, it would be great to extend this to OpenBuildings Designer's Energy Simulator. OBD's physical model has materials and geometry that are linked to materials and classification info in OBD's datas...
Colour control of references within iTwin design review / Ad Hoc design review
It will be good if the option included to change the colour of references within the .idgn models. it will help us present in the better way while we carry out review tasks
When using OpenRoads or OpenRail Designer files the 3D model is not processed when you have turned off the 3D model within the Default view. For us it doesn't work to turn on the 3D reference before you process the model to an iTwin especially whe...