IT would be good, if we could see whom created the saved view. If the view is created in a wrong way, we need to figure out who made the view so that person can delete it.
over 3 years ago
in Design review
Future consideration
Need the ability to disable automatic bridge updates
Whenever I build iModels, I'm constantly having to update the MS, Civil and Building bridges. My internet is not that fast, and these updates take over an hour. I should have the ability to disable/enable them.
Our public clients are requesting a sharable version of the iTwin that contractors and other internal client users can access without requiring adding individual emails to a project. If they need to sign in or create a Bentley account, I don't see...
Considering the Change Visibility tool, it will be very useful to have some sort of Format Painter. Instead of selecting a set of elements and then using the Change Visibility tool, it would be great to set the parameters you wish to change the vi...
При выводе фотографий с геопривязкой необходимо иметь возможность установить период создания фотографии. При наличии множества фотографий в одной точке желательно, что бы при наведении на значек, показывался список фотографий для выбора. например:...
over 4 years ago
in Design review
Future consideration
we need a way to see models like in Openroads designer, like 3 views (2D plan/3D/Xsections) it's to difficult to set thing for good 2D and 3D in the same view