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Autocad color table type

We use Autocad color table not Microstation, ther should be a way to change the color table, or remap the lines, it should be possible to change this.
Guest over 4 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0 Future consideration

Load Geo-Photo Plugin button hidden behind Data Visualization button

On small screens, the data visualization screen hides the 'Load Geo-Photo Plugin' button. It would be good if that could be fixed.
Guest over 4 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0 Likely to implement

Установить временной диапазон вывода фотографий

При выводе фотографий с геопривязкой необходимо иметь возможность установить период создания фотографии. При наличии множества фотографий в одной точке желательно, что бы при наведении на значек, показывался список фотографий для выбора. например:...
Guest over 4 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 1 Future consideration

Permissions to control retaking of shared views in Design Review

Create permission to enable Project Admins users to 'retake' shared views created by other admins.
Guest almost 2 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0 Future consideration

3D Connexion mouse

Can't find a way to Navigate using a 3D mouse from within a browser.
Guest over 4 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) 0 Future consideration

Connector for Open Buildings Energy Simulator

Similar to Structural iTwin Analytical Synchronizer, it would be great to extend this to OpenBuildings Designer's Energy Simulator. OBD's physical model has materials and geometry that are linked to materials and classification info in OBD's datas...

Ability to add custom tags to Forms

For major projects the issue resolution tool is used by many different disciplines and functions. Each of them have their own processes and way of categorizing and managing issues. In order to facilitate for this it would be really useful if fille...
Guest over 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Applications / Services 0 Future consideration

Sharable Public Link

Our public clients are requesting a sharable version of the iTwin that contractors and other internal client users can access without requiring adding individual emails to a project. If they need to sign in or create a Bentley account, I don't see...
Guest almost 2 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iModel management 0

Add a permissions level that allows multiple admins to manage shared views

Currently only the owner of a shared view can manage the shared view. We need allow multiple 'admin' users to manage a group of shared views
Guest almost 4 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iModel management 0 Future consideration


we need a way to see models like in Openroads designer, like 3 views (2D plan/3D/Xsections) it's to difficult to set thing for good 2D and 3D in the same view
Guest almost 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0