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iTwin Ideas Portal

iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5)

Showing 574

Add project role to iTwin users - Issue resolution - Froms - Design Review

Being in large projects its always hard to find the right persons that are responsible for different parts within the project. Therefore we would like add a coulmn to the users, so make it easier to communicate with one another. Picture 1. Admin i...
Guest over 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

Turn off snap mode

A feature to turn off snap mode would be create
Guest over 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

iTwin Synchronizer Project Portal

At the moment, to check if synchronizations have finished, and view sync reports, I need to go into every imodel Synchronizer portal page. It would be good if there was a project portal page for iTwin Synchronizer showing all the connections and l...
Guest over 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Portal 0

Clash detection within iTwin should be same as Navigator

In the iTwin: Clash detection is Version based and it will be not as smooth as Navigator. Each time whenever I run a clash detection for the new version, I need to reassign the clashes to the user for all existing/old clashes as well. But In the N...
Guest over 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design validation 0

Ability to Drive along a selected Linear element

For long linear projects, this would allow a very fast and visual review, especially for road infrastructure. In addition to this, providing eye and target settings (inc. a crosshair, with offset settings and speed) could allow sight visibility ch...
Guest almost 5 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) 0 Future consideration

Saved Views created in iModel from existing CONNECT project visible here

I have found that any Saved Views created in a iModel Hub Design Review Session are not visible here. This would allow us to set up the same Saved Views to be used by participants in our CONNECTED projects and external reviewers.
Guest almost 5 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) 0 Likely to implement

View Settings Toggle for Transparency

We are seeing that is is much harder to see Transparent items in iTwin Design Review. While this is good in some circumstances, it would be much easier to review a model if we had the option to toggle view transparency ON/OFF. This would be a grea...
Guest almost 5 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) 0 Future consideration

Show slope in degrees in the measurement details

Engenium team wants to see the Slope value in Degrees as well in measurement tools. They liked that this was pre-calculated, and said they had to do that manually in other design review review tools.
Guest almost 5 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 1 Planned

Skybox when turned of please stay off

When turn of the Sky box it's turning it self on when view changed like Check Unchanged models in the legend. See also the screenshot.
Guest almost 5 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

ADHOC DR- Add ability to include the references when uploading a DGN

Currently, ADHOC Design Review does not recognize the references that are attached to a DGN. However, many times I simply want to be able to upload, share and review a container model without having to export to an iModel first. This would be bene...
Guest over 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0