We have a corporate group which manage all the iModels we have at the corporate level for various projects Request is to have an iModel Admin dashboard that would allow that corporate group to monitor and support our corporate iModel operations. T...
When setting up the iTwin model, we have to define the Project extents using the square box to highlight the area. It would be great if we can draw the extents with shape not just a box. this give us more control on whats included and not included...
almost 4 years ago
in iModel management
Future consideration
When creating a new connection it would be useful to see the whole folder path. At present only the last two levels of folder structure are displayed (see attached image). This would also allow easier navigation back to a folder location without g...
It would be great if areal maps could be draped on a terrain, as it looks wird they currently are flat in elevation Z=0. Attached is an example from Quadri for inspiration :)
Setup the SchemaMapping.json to map the IfcEntity and the IfcType
The SchemaMapping.json allows the mapping of IfcEntity to their preferred IfcEntity "IfcFlowSegment".The default IFC export IfcType is not listed as a property that is available and the user wants to map to that property. There is no noted method ...
Ability to user "username" and "password" for WMS/WMTS authentication
According to this wiki: https://communities.bentley.com/products/projectwise/w/projectwise-design-review-wiki/54688/map-layers-widget it is possible to add ArcGIS layer using simple Username/Password. We need this functionality for WMS/WMTS as wel...
Show the files that were processed in iModelManager - Latest Changes panel
Current page shows the bridge process step, the user, and the date/time for every changeset processed. As a summary, it would be useful to show the file processed instead of the bridge being used to process the files.
For better compliance with BS 1192-5, visibility of geometry and data is restricted depending on the permissions granted. Objects not visible would be enclosed with a bounding box outlining that something is there and data is just not shown.
Currently, selecting all the elements in a Search Set can only be done by selecting multiple elements using Shift or Ctrl buttons on the keyboard. Will there be a way to just simply click on the Search Set which would select all the elements withi...