Assembling a model in an imodel container from separate models located in other imodels of the same project
We would like to be able to create a common IModel based on a group of already existing in iTwin iModel. (or connect iModels to a single container, similar to the existing REFERENCE FILE in OpenPlant or Microstation)
For example, we plan to creat...
Documents linked to the model (as attached in ORD, OBM, etc) should be visible in iTwin Design Review. Supporting documents are attached to the model so they are easily accessible to everyone and all information is available in one place. In Bentl...
iModel connection for only Project Wise shared files
It would be nice if we could choose if we want to connect and see changes of only shared files in iModel. The problem is that it connects latest file even if it is in Work in Progres status. We dont want all users to see or coordinate in iModel on...
Point cloud classification by elevation like in MicroStation
User publish point cloud in iTwin without colors. In MicroStation you can select by elevation classification and it's easy to understand point position. We need to add same in iTwin design review. See attach pictures
Ability to export list of visible models from a Saved View in iModel/Twin
It would be beneficial to have a feature that allows users to export a list of visible models from a saved view directly into a format like CSV or Excel. This function would save time when working on large projects by eliminating manual copying, i...
Comparison of models with different file names, but the same content
Comparison of named versions by content without binding elements to the source file's name.
When a 3D model being developed, files names and, perhaps, partially their content, are subject to change (Or any other change in the file structure – add...
We have had a case where we were scheduled to complete a major design review in our site office and our internet went down. Operations, Maintenance, and Engineering were all present (including some who flew in from out of town) for the review. If ...
The ability to build an animation using key frames allows engineers familiar with the models to create an animation to show key details. Initially the idea would be to link "Saved Views" key frames and use the built in animation between views to b...
Is there a way to attach a comment to a section view (i.e. profile taken through two points or perpendicular) so that you can point to an issue observed in a cross-section more directly?