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Data Visualization Colour selection by RGB number

When creating a Data Visualisation group it would be good to have the RGB colour number provided when selecting a colour so that new data vis groups can easily have the same colours assigned.
Guest over 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 1

Open last changeset or checkpoint instead of named version

Named versions are not supposed to be created so frequently and are for important milestones and official design reviews. Designers should be able to open the latest changeset or checkpoint easily to review the model without having to create multi...
Guest 5 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

Section by range (Box) to rotate

It would be useful if we can able to rotate section by range box. This help to visualise the angular shape building model.
Guest over 5 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 1

ArcGIS Feature Service attributes in iModels

Currently, ArcGIS Feature Service overlays do not display the properties of the element. It is displayed as a simple graphical overlay to the iModel.
Guest 5 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

Data Visualisations improvements

create the possibility to show attribute data inside the Data Visualisations tab (Screenshot) Stacking multiple layers on top of each other, Collar, and multiple attribute data Add better selection tools for editing labels to change colors, now yo...
Guest about 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

I want to use SHIFT and CTRL in Model/Category tree

I want to be able to select multiple items in the tree.
Joe Granville over 5 years ago in IC - Pineapple 0 Future consideration

Change Saved View Ownership

Need the ability for a user to change the ownership of their saved view. If someone creates and shares views and then leaves their position, we don't have a way to change/remove/edit the Saved Views.
Guest 5 months ago in IC - Pineapple 0 Needs review

Saving iModel Civil Tools "2-Point Cross Section" as a Saved View

So you don't have to keep carrying out a 2-Point Cross Section and hoping you have the exact same cross section as you had before. With a saved view, that exact 2 point cross section saved view would get automatically updated as the iModel gets up...
Guest 5 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / iTwin Hub 0

Create a check box to turn off the processing of the reference file

Please create a check box to turn of the processing of reference files for a specific file. For example when we are working with multiple disciplines and connect the native files from ProjectWise to an iTwin these models contains often cross refer...
Guest over 1 year ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 1

Section view clipping range

Please make available the option within the Civil cross-section that we can give a dept which shows the geometry inside the cross- section dept see image
Guest over 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0 Future consideration