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Ability to adjust issue "Filter by" dropdown options.

Currently the "Filter By" dropdown has only predefined set of filters that can't be modified. Projects have various requirements and would like the ability to filter based on other criteria that have been collected within the forms. As an example,...
Guest over 1 year ago in IC - Pineapple 0 Waiting for PM Input

Imperial dimensions should also be available in feet and fractional inches, not just decimal feet

iTwin only offers decimal feet for measurements. Most engineering dimensions in imperial are feet and inches and fractional inches. Not including this option requires the user to perform conversion calculations to be able to check against drawings...
Guest almost 2 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 4

Model View Lock Top

In the model viewer it would be beneficial to have a view control to lock the view in top rotation similar to SYNCHRO Field. For users with a Microsoft tablet or Toughbook using touch screen and not a mouse to navigate the model. This idea was req...
Kerry Newbanks about 2 months ago in IC - Pineapple 0 Needs review

"Add assignment details" pop up for forms

"Add assignment details" pop up for forms only works from editing the form from dash board or works page, not if you edit the form in the iModel. It is a useful feature and would be good if all methods of editing a form were consistent.
Guest 5 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

Automatically create a new named version after a daily scheduled synchronisation

Our projects we currently run a separate design coordination model from our clash model, allowing clients to see the progress of a federated model without the need to show associated clash information. We have this model set to synchronize daily, ...

Color coded issues

Problem Please bring back the color coded markers based on the status as it was before in Connect see image. As a user of the iModel Viewer, it would be helpful to have the Forms and to visually see the workflow status by colour coding the Form Ma...
Guest 8 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 1 Likely to implement

Data Visualization for ProjectWise in iModel viewer

With the addition of projectwise properties inside an iModel under the select * from bis.repositorylink. Can these be made available in the dataviz so we can colour code by suitability etc.
Glen Worrall over 3 years ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

Option to store a Clip Volume with Clash

Our 3D models are very large, so we always create a clip volume with a range around the area. Otherwise the clarity is very limited. It would therefore be very desirable and advantageous if you could save the clip volume together with the clash po...
Guest about 1 year ago in IC - Pineapple 0 Needs review

Provide a Line Weight scale option in Cross Section view

The Design Review cross section tool provides for a Point Weight scale option - which works well. Similarly, could you provide a Line Weight scale option to assist making the lines more visible in the XS view?
Guest 3 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Design review 0

ISO sheet data integration from PlantSight.

We used to integrate Iso Sheet information from an SQL database with Pipeline information. Would be nice to have a similar integration with PlantSight since 3D data is already available there.
Guest 3 months ago in iTwin Ideas Portal (iT-3 & 5) / Integrations 0