It could be really useful to review complex geometry or objects if we could make an exploded view so you can see all the part on how the construction is made
Export Issue as PDF report with included information (saved view thumbnail)
It could be nice to export issues to a pdf report, those issue would be named and would also include a thumbnail or other information. BIM 360 ofer this and it's very practical
Need the ability to disable automatic bridge updates
Whenever I build iModels, I'm constantly having to update the MS, Civil and Building bridges. My internet is not that fast, and these updates take over an hour. I should have the ability to disable/enable them.
Polygon section tool to better subdivide areas in the iTwin (similar to MSTN)
We are using the iTwin section tool to subdivide the plant into sub-area saved views for IFC model generation, and it would be extremely useful to have a polygon section tool to better subdivide comples areas of the model.
IT would be good, if we could see whom created the saved view. If the view is created in a wrong way, we need to figure out who made the view so that person can delete it.
it would be very useful to have the option to view the model offline on a tablet so it can be accessed on site. I know revizto has this option so would it be possible to include in iTwin
When navigate to we do not seems to have a quick easy way to find iModel by owner or connexon's owner. We can only select project then iModel We have a user that need to renew a token and we have very few indication abou...