In the model viewer it would be beneficial to have a view control to lock the view in top rotation similar to SYNCHRO Field. For users with a Microsoft tablet or Toughbook using touch screen and not a mouse to navigate the model. This idea was req...
Kerry Newbanks
about 2 months ago
in IC - Pineapple
Needs review
Our 3D models are very large, so we always create a clip volume with a range around the area. Otherwise the clarity is very limited. It would therefore be very desirable and advantageous if you could save the clip volume together with the clash po...
Turn Camera off by default for iModels in Design Review
Turn Camera off by default for iModels in Design Review. Camera being on has negative affects on cross section locating in top view and corridor analysis in top view. Also confuses none CAD users when iModel contains 2D information with the 3D Mod...
If you create a model location for an issue in a large 3D model you need to use section planes to place the marker on the right position deep in the 3D model. If you load the model position afterwards the section planes are missing. So you cannot ...
If you create a measurement you receive the values in a properties menu. But you are not able to copy the values as it is possible for object properties. It would be helpful to have this copy option (rightklick) also for values of measurements.
Infrastructure Cloud: Access to (form/issue) custom properties/Grid Column settings in iModel design review
This is possible in the Dashboard already but needs to built into the iModel (design review) Forms window as well. Needs to include retention of column settings for users, so that you don't have to reset these every time you refresh the iModel.
Would be great to be able to relocate the flag for issues in the imodel. When you create an issue while the element is selected, the flag is automatically placed in an calculate area, which the user cannot relocate.
Need the ability for a user to change the ownership of their saved view. If someone creates and shares views and then leaves their position, we don't have a way to change/remove/edit the Saved Views.